Category: Featured News, News

Title: Enhance Your Impact: GHD Workshop Series

Author:  Erwin Tiongson
Date Published: November 4, 2019

On Saturday, GHD held its 4th skills workshop, on energy resilience and climate adaptation. Migara Jayawardena, Lead Evaluation Officer for Infrastructure at the World Bank’s Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) led a discussion of the power sector in Belize.

This is one of about 12 skills workshops this year in GHD’s co-curricular program of events. These workshops are not required but offer extra opportunities for students to acquire new technical skills. They are also opportunities to interact with leading global practitioners, like Mr. Jayawardena whose work on infrastructure and development spans all regions of the World Bank.

Other workshops in this series include sessions on cross-cutting skills like linguistic analysis in economic research, qualitative research methods integrated cost-benefit analysis, and data visualization, and introductions to specialized fields like disaster risk mitigation, multi-risk hazard assessment, and public health project design and implementation. The series features global practitioners from the World Bank, the IMF, and other international organizations.


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