Emily Keane
COVID-19 Impacts in Zambia: Measuring Poverty and Simulating the Social Protection Response
This summer, I worked for the Africa Social Protection & Jobs Unit at the World Bank which focuses on advancing social protection measures in order to link the most poor and vulnerable to jobs, improve productivity, cope with crises and shocks, and enhance human capital. With the Zambia Social Protection team, I assisted with analyzing the impact of COVID-19 on the Zambian economy in order to inform how a social protection response can help mitigate the negative impacts of the virus in both rural and urban settings. I was also able to utilize the Stata skills I learned from my coursework at GHD when simulating the impact of COVID-19 on consumption and poverty levels for our quantitative analysis which we conducted in preparation for the Social Protection Public Expenditure Review 2021. Finally, I was tasked with writing the Briefing Paper to summarize the background, methodology, and analysis of our work.