Alexandra Scott
Adjunct Professor
Alexandra Scott is the President of the Global Environment and Technology Foundation (GETF), a non-profit organization dedicated to accelerating social impact through designing and delivering public-private partnerships around the world. She partners with the CEO to drive strategy and growth across the organization, with a focus on GETF’s growing Health Practice. Alex leads new partnership development, strategy and execution, and oversees design and delivery of programs in emerging markets. She also serves as Managing Director for Project Last Mile (PLM), a partnership between USAID, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, The Global Fund, the Coca-Cola Company and its Foundation, a leading example of how private sector engagement can strengthen health systems leveraging private sector expertise in Africa.
She graduated with a B.S. in International Health from the Georgetown University School of Nursing ('10) and Health Studies, a Masters in Global Human Development ('15) from Georgetown University School of Foreign Service and an executive certificate in Nonprofit Management from the Georgetown University Center for Public & Nonprofit Leadership ('20).