Jigyasa Sidana
Class of 2023
Jigyasa Sidana is from Delhi, India. As part of the GHD program, she is pursuing specializations in Development Finance and Education and Human Capital, as well as The Graduate Certificate in Social Innovation & Global Development. In this regard, she conducts financial analysis for education projects at the Edunomics Lab, and recently completed her summer internship with The Human Capital Project at the World Bank.
Jigyasa holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics (Hons.) and four years of experience in the education and livelihoods sector in India, with communities from diverse socio-economic backgrounds. She served as a Teach for India fellow, teaching 90 first-generation learners in an under-resourced school for two years, and as an advisor for 10 low-income private schools in rural India. Thereon, she worked as a consultant for various non-profits, think tanks and NGOs—SEWA Bharat, Educate Girls, IDInsight, and International Innovation Corps (a University of Chicago initiative). Jigyasa hopes to leverage her grassroots level understanding of the education sector into designing programs for skill development and employment of marginzalized youth populations. Through GHD, she intends to equip herself with tools and frameworks for diagnoses-to-delivery of large-scale human capital interventions, particularly honing her behavioral data analysis and impact measurement skills.