Laura Montes
Improving Quality of Life in Honduras
This summer, I virtually interned for Fundación Alivio del Sufrimiento, located in El Paraíso, Honduras. Working from Washington DC, I focused on two main projects. The first was to assess the foundation’s recently established credit cooperative to determine ways to improve profitability, increase loan amounts, and expand into local networks. I engaged in primary research with current members, conducted a landscape analysis of the credit market in Honduras, analyzed financial data, and ultimately shared short- and long-term recommendations with the cooperative’s leadership. The second project involved working with the foundation’s health clinic to further its development strategy and establish a network of domestic and international partners. This involved identifying potential donors, doing a needs assessment, and submitting several mini “proposals” for funding. All of the work that I conducted throughout the internship was done in Spanish, which was a great opportunity for me to continue improving my language skills.