Pelumi Owolabi
Class of 2022
Pelumi’s motivation to study development stems from her work with institutions that enable ownership of developmental processes. Since graduating with a Bachelor's in Translation and Interpreting, her work has varied from project support to volunteering for grassroots development initiatives in Morocco and Taiwan. Currently, she is a trainee for Cultural Management and Public Diplomacy at the Spanish Embassy in Brussels (Belgium) under the Spanish Agency for Development and International Cooperation (AECID).
Pelumi is passionate about youth development and civic spaces. She has worked for the INGO Civicus in the creation of an innovative fellowship program to financially support and provide technical capacity for grassroots activists to better contribute to a more diverse, legitimate, and effective civil society led by young individual activists. Likewise, commissioned by the INGOs Plan International and as part of a research team, she is working on a report on Shrinking space for Civil Society and its Implications for Young activists working in non-enabling environments. Pelumi’s goal is to expand her work in both international development and public diplomacy, specifically how to better democratize foreign aid through open access to information, and provide quality data to inform decision-making for all actors (governments, citizens, donors, CSOs, activists, etc). At GHD, Pelumi intends to develop her interdisciplinary research skills, by choosing the Quantitative Analysis and Evaluation concentration in order to strengthen her aptitudes for research, data and policy analysis.