Tracy Kapezi
Class of 2021
While at GHD, Tracy Kapezi specializes in Food, Agriculture and Rural Livelihoods. In addition, she is pursuing a certificate in Social Innovation and Global Development. During the summer of 2020, she interned with the World Bank’s Social Protection and Jobs Liberia Unit. During the internship, she tracked and compiled financial and time savings data of a social cash transfer project as it transitioned from in-person cash payments to mobile money. She is currently interning for African Development Solutions (Adeso) as a System Change & Development Assistant and as a consultant for the Inter-American Development Bank Lab's initiative on improving the adaptation and resilience capacities of rural communities in the South American Chaco. Apart from academic and internship experience, Tracy holds a few leadership roles on campus. She currently serves as the President of Africa Forum, a student organization that is focused on deepening the conversation at Georgetown University around the 55 African countries. Moreover, Tracy is one of two inaugural Social Justice Student Assistants working on building a strong foundation for anti-racism and anti-bias efforts in the GHD program and School of Foreign Service.
A Malawian national, Tracy holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics and French Studies and a certificate in International Relations from Smith College. Upon graduating from Smith College, Tracy worked as a Post-Baccalaureate Specialist in Language Innovation Learning where she coordinated and tracked a five-year Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Grant supporting over 60 projects. Prior to joining the GHD program, she worked in Malawi as a Business Development intern with Catholic Relief Services providing support for a $75 million USAID Development Food Security Activities proposal. In addition to French, she speaks Chichewa and Shona fluently and is currently learning Swahili. Tracy has lived in five countries and she hopes to break her personal record soon.